Transparent Labs Bulk Black: The pinnacle of clinically dosed pre-workouts
Jun 09, 2022
Transparent Labs exploded onto the sports nutrition scene in 2015, and are widely known for their widely innovative and super clean products. If you've been around the supplement game for any length of time, you're well aware that the market is flooded with companies making scandalous claims about the effects and benefits of their products, using absurd pseudoscience, or research claims that are very misleading. Deceitful marketing like this is the primary reason Transparent Labs was initially created. They wanted to bring forth products with formulas that have key ingredients with numerous scientific studies and research, all at clinical dosing to ensure peak benefits and effectiveness. Of course, that's not all... each product is also extremely clean, meaning all-natural sweeteners, zero food dyes, absolutely zero unnecessary fillers or harmful additives, and always 100% formula transparency.
Transparent Labs continues with this tradition, with their newest innovative pre-workout - Bulk Black. Think of Bulk Black as the stronger and more potent big brother to their extremely popular and industry leading pre-workout Bulk. This new formulation kept all of the key components that users came to know and love about Bulk pre-workout formula and ramped up the energy, clinically proven nitric oxide boosters, hard-hitting nootropics, natural testosterone-supporting ingredients, and muscle fortifiers to deliver the pinnacle of clinically dosed pre-workouts.
What Can You Expect from Transparent Labs Bulk?
Transparent Labs Bulk is a pre-workout supplement that is designed to support exercise performance and recovery. The supplement contains a blend of high-quality ingredients, including creatine, beta-alanine, betaine, and citrulline malate, which are intended to improve energy, focus, strength, endurance, and muscle pumps.
My experience with this pre workout was impressive. Right away I got the tingles from the 4 grams of Beta-Alanine (that's right.. 4 grams!). I personally love that feeling, as it triggers a "LET'S GO!!!!" response, and I'm ready to start crushing the workout. Next, a rush of energy hit and the nootropics started to kick in, which provided crystal clear tunnel vision focus and I was completely dialed in. The energy wasn't overwhelming at all, but instead was a clean and smooth, yet powerful feeling that lasted throughout the entire workout. Due to the specific combinations of stimulants, there were no jitters and no mid or post-workout crash.
If you're looking for an in your face, extreme rush of energy and want to feel that mega "jacked up" feeling, this pre-workout isn't for you. But, if you want a surge of clean, smooth energy that will stick with you and power you through your workout, Bulk Black definitely delivers.
Now, back to the mental focus and feeling of being dialed in. I was completely dialed in from start to finish, and had a true feeling of tunnel vision throughout the duration of the workout. Each set and each rep I could feel peak muscle contraction and had a tremendous mind-to-muscle connection on every exercise.
This is one attribute I personally look for in any and every pre-workout that I use. I personally would rather have this feeling over being super stimulated any day. Of course, we all have our own preferences, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with extreme energy pre-workouts. I've just found for me personally, moderate to no stimulant formulas, that are heavy on the nootropics, and deliver that awesome feeling of being completely dialed is my niche! And Bulk Black... that feeling was definitely immense!
Now, we're into the thick of the workout. Endurance was still peaking, strength was high and not fading out, and intensity was still maxed out. This and the focus were without a doubt my favorite parts of this pre-workout experience. Even midway or at the tail end of the workout, endurance and strength were still high with no signs of fading out. Obviously you won't be as strong as you were at the start of the workout (if you're actually pushing yourself that is), but strength and endurance were definitely still up high and I knew by the end of the workout I had truly pushed my body to the limits.
The last part of this awesome experience were the muscle pumps. I personally love the feeling of blood rushing and engorging the muscles, and the feeling of your muscles filling up like a balloon, and Bulk Black definitely delivered. It wasn't the most extreme pumps I've ever felt from a pre-workout, but they were unquestionably there on every single lift/exercise. The muscle tightness, muscle fullness, and vascularity were all noticeable and got more intense as the workout progressed.
Now that we've discussed my experience with this all new performance boosting monster, let's breakdown the entire formula, so we can get a closer look at all of the benefits.
Does Transparent Labs Bulk Have Testosterone?
Transparent Labs Bulk pre-workout supplement does not contain testosterone. The supplement contains a blend of ingredients that are intended to support exercise performance and recovery, such as creatine, beta-alanine, betaine, and citrulline malate.
Is Transparent Labs Bulk Pre Workout Safe?
Transparent Labs Bulk pre-workout supplement is generally safe when taken as directed and when the individual does not have any underlying medical conditions that may be affected by the ingredients in the supplement. However, as with any dietary supplement, there are potential risks and side effects that should be considered.
What Are The Side Effects of Transparent Labs Bulk Pre Workout?
The Transparent Labs Bulk pre-workout supplement contains several ingredients that may cause side effects, especially when taken in high doses or in combination with other supplements or medications. Some potential side effects of Transparent Labs Bulk pre workout are similar to other pre workout formulas and may include:
- Jitters or anxiety: The caffeine content in the supplement can cause jitters, restlessness, or anxiety in some people, especially those who are sensitive to caffeine.
- Nausea or stomach upset: Beta-alanine, an amino acid found in the supplement, may cause some individuals to experience stomach discomfort or nausea.
- Headaches: The high levels of caffeine in the supplement may cause headaches in some people.
- Insomnia: The caffeine content in the supplement may also cause difficulty falling or staying asleep in some people.
- Dehydration: The supplement may cause dehydration due to its diuretic effect, especially if not enough water is consumed during exercise.
- Allergic reactions: Some individuals may be allergic to some of the ingredients in the supplement, such as beta-alanine or citrulline malate, which may cause an allergic reaction.
Transparent Labs Bulk Black Ingredients
Citrulline Malate 2:1 - 8,000mg
We start off with a clinical and scientifically substantiated dosage of Citrulline Malate at 8,000mg. This is the primary N.O. (nitric oxide) and pump inducing ingredient that provided the muscle pump experience I discussed previously.
What is Citrulline Malate?
Citrulline is a nonessential amino acid that serves as an endogenous precursor to arginine, thereby greatly enhancing nitric oxide synthesis through what is known as the arginine-nitric oxide pathway. Nitric oxide has various performance-boosting functions in the body including a vasodilatory effect, which will increase blood, oxygen, and nutrient delivery to working muscles. Furthermore, nitric oxide can also reduce the oxygen and energy cost of exercise allowing you to push the working muscles longer and harder.
Malate is an essential intermediate of the Acid (TCA) Cycle, which generates two-thirds of the body’s energy by utilizing fats and carbohydrates consumed through the diet. When you increase malate levels, you increase energy production. Therefore, citrulline malate provides the one-two punch of bringing additional blood (and subsequently, oxygen and nutrients) to exercising muscles, as well as providing increased energy to boost performance levels.
Furthermore, citrulline improves the efficiency of the urea cycle. The urea cycle is a system in the liver that converts nitrogenous wastes into urea and eliminates them from the body. This is important for eliminating ammonia and toxic nitrogen metabolites. When you exercise, the generation of ammonia increases fatigue and reduces glycogen (the stores we use for energy). Improving the system for removing those waste products can improve exercise performance. As you exercise your muscles, they burn from lactic acid buildup. Citrulline also helps eliminate that burn, allowing you to push your body longer and harder.
Citrulline Malate Benefits Include:
- Improve blood flow
- Increase nitric oxide production
- Improve oxygen delivery to muscles
- Amplify energy levels
- Increase peak power and training volume
- Enhance recovery
- Increase endurance
- Delay muscle fatigue
Beta-Alanine - 4,000mg
Beta-alanine is one of the most used and professional-commended supplements to athletes and professionals to enhance the capacity to exercise and train, build lean muscle mass, and improve physical function. When beta-alanine is introduced into the body, it combines with histidine to produce carnosine, which helps reduce fatigue and improve overall physical performance, among other benefits.Beta-Alanine Benefits Include:
- Increases muscle growth
BetaPure™ Betaine Anhydrous - 2,500mg
Betaine Anhydrous is an extremely popular pre-workout supplement that’s earned quite a positive reputation among bodybuilders and athletes.
Much like creatine, betaine is an osmolyte, meaning it increases cellular water retention through osmosis. This gives betaine the distinct ability to cause muscle fibers to swell, which will also stimulate muscle protein synthesis, promoting muscle growth.
These increases in cell volumization and muscle cell uptake can significantly increase anaerobic power aka strength gains, as well as improve both endurance and power/force output. Simply put, betaine pulls water into the muscle cells. This increases muscle fullness or volume. This process is also called water-based pumps.
Betaine anhydrous also has the beneficial effect of supporting healthy homocysteine levels.* High homocysteine levels have been shown to impair insulin signaling, which can interfere with muscle growth and fat loss. And finally, betaine supplementation has also been suggested to raise levels of S-adenosylmethionine, also known as SAMe. Having healthy levels of SAMe supports positive mood, promote liver health, and aid joint recovery.
Betaine Anhydrous Benefits Include:
- Enhance strength levels
- Boost power/force output
- Increase cellular hydration
- Boost muscle endurance
- Promotes faster muscle growth
- Increase capacity to perform anaerobic work
Taurine - 1,300mg
Taurine is a powerful amino acid and is the second most abundant amino acid in the body. The body makes it by breaking down the amino acid cysteine. Most notably Taurine has been shown to contain properties that assist in the regulation of muscular contraction and force during strength and aerobic activity. In particular, Taurine acts to increase muscle force production and enhance fatigue resistance from severe high intensity exercise by increasing the efficiency of the heart (stroke volume) and maintaining cell volume (osmoregulation). Much like Betaine Anhydrous, it's also an osmolyte that will increase cell volumization and muscle cell uptake, and boost cellular hydration.
1,300mg of Taurine is a clinical dose that will provide some monstrous benefits such as increased power/force output, enhanced muscle contractions, improvements in stamina and endurance, increased cellular hydration, accelerated recovery, increased cognitive function (focus, concentration, memory, learning), and supports central nervous system function.
Taurine Benefits Include:
- Optimize force production, strength, and muscular power
- Increase cellular hydration
- Maximize muscle contractions
- Improve stamina and endurance
- Accelerate recovery
- Increase focus, concentration, and memory
L-Tyrosine - 1,000mg
L-Tyrosine is one of the most popular ingredients in pre-workouts these days, and for very good reason.
L-Tyrosine is a natural form non essential amino acid formed from phenylalanine, that helps to replenish norepinephrine and is used to produce epinephrine and dopamine two brain chemicals that influence mood and reduce stress. It has been shown in clinical studies to effectively improve cognition in the presence of an acute stressor, typically high intensity exercise such as bodybuilding, football training, crossfit, etc.
1,000mg is a clinical dose of L-Tyrosine and will trigger several of our “feel-good” neurotransmitters, including norepinephrine and dopamine. This will greatly enhance a sense of well being, boost mood, and drastically increase mental alertness and focus. As an added bonus, it can also lower anxiety and stress so nothing will stand in your way from demolishing every session!
L-Tyrosine Benefits Include:
- Improve alertness and enhance cognitive performance
- Reduce stress and anxiety
- Improve mood
- Boost motivation
- Increase mental focus and clarity
- Improve muscle strength
- Increase anaerobic power
AlphaSize® Alpha GPC - 300mg
Alpha Glycerylphosphorylcholine better known as Alpha GPC is a form of choline that is used for enhancing cognitive performance and increasing power output via its influence on growth hormone production. Alpha GPC quickly crosses the blood-brain barrier where it protects neurons and improves brain function and learning processes. Specifically by mechanism of action, Alpha GPC directly increases the synthesis and secretion of acetylcholine (which is a vastly important neurotransmitter present in both brain and muscle tissue) better than any other choline related compound, influencing both system-wide and brain concentrations of choline.
All athletic research performed with Alpha GPC has proven to benefit cognitive performance (memory, learning, recall, focus, and repetitive tasking) and also to benefit physical performance, including power output, force development, strength, jumping, and agility. In addition some studies have found that Alpha GPC has the ability to enhance acute growth hormone production. An increase in growth hormone production and power output has the ability to increase muscle mass and improve overall metabolic activity resulting in improved body composition. It has even been shown to help improve video game performance. Major plus for all you gamers out there who also love to lift!
Alpha GPC Benefits Include:
- Improve cognitive performance
- Enhance mental focus and clarity
- Increase power output
- Increase lean muscle mass
- Boost force development
- Improve agility
Caffeine Anhydrous - 275mg
Caffeine is without a doubt the most known and utilized stimulant in the world. Caffeine occurs naturally in plants such as coffee beans, tea, and cacao, which is the source of cocoa for chocolate. It's a CNS (Central Nervous System) stimulant that has been shown to reduce feelings of fatigue, increase energy levels, heighten mental alertness, lower perceived exertion, and even lower levels of perceived pain.Caffeine Anhydrous Benefits Include:
L-Theanine - 300mg
L-Theanine Benefits Include:
- Enhance sleep quality
- Improve mood and boost motivation
- Enhance mind-to-muscle connections
- Improve reaction time
- Reduce fatigue
- Increase energy without jitters or crashing
Theobromine - 50mg
Theobromine Benefits Include:
- Improve blood flow
- Improve oxygen transport to boost stamina and endurance
- Smooth and sustaining energy
- Boost workout performance
AstraGin™ - 50mg
AstraGin™ Benefits Include:
- Support increased lean muscle and strength
- Increase power output and training volume
Infinergy™ (DiCaffeine Malate) - 30mg
Infinergy™ (DiCaffeine Malate) Benefits Include:
- Reduce muscle fatigue
- Helps alleviate jitters and crashing
Boron (as Boron Citrate) - 3mg
Boron Benefits Include:
- Help increase bone strength and density
- Increase natural testosterone levels
- Improve muscle recovery
- Improve muscle coordination
- Help relieve and prevent arthritis
What Flavors Does Transparent Labs Bulk Black Come In?
Bulk Black is currently available in a mega delicious Black Cherry, Blue Raspberry, Sour Gummy, Peach Mango, and Cherry Kiwi.
Clean and smooth energy that will power you through every workout with no crash or jitters... intense tunnel vision focus that keeps you dialed in for the entirety of the training session/workout... relentless endurance so you can push your body longer and harder... boost strength and power to new heights... extreme muscle fullness... increase training volume capabilities for increased muscle growth... improve mood and motivation so you feel like decimating every workout... every set... every rep... Bulk Black by Transparent Labs!