MuscleTech Euphoriq 20srv
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What You Need To Know
Euphoriq: A New Kind of Pre-Workout
Euphoriq is a pre-workout supplement made by MuscleTech. It contains a blend of ingredients including paraxanthine, taurine, huperzine-A, alphaSize, nooLVL, and NeuroFactor. Paraxanthine is a metabolite of caffeine. AlphaSize is a source of choline, a precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. NooLVL is clinically shown to support certain aspects of accuracy and decision making. NeuroFactor is a patented coffee fruit extract.
Key Benefits:
- Supports cognitive function and focus
- Enhances mood and well-being
- Promotes mental clarity and alertness
- Increases energy and performance
What is Paraxanthine, and What Does it Do
Paraxanthine, a key ingredient in Euphoriq, is a metabolite of caffeine renowned for enhancing focus and concentration without the jitters or crashes often associated with caffeine. Extending caffeine's half-life delivers sustained mental clarity and alertness, powering you through workouts and beyond. Additionally, paraxanthine has been linked to improved mood and well-being, offering a holistic cognitive boost for those seeking optimal performance.
Nutrition Label
