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Self Evolve Beet 12 30srv Black Cherry

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Tasty Natural Black Cherry Flavor You Are a Generator of Ideas. A Generator of Energy. Let SELFe Beet 12 Powder unleash the Potential Powers you have within. Because YOU are more than a body. SELFe Beet 12 Powder is the best substitute for the strenuous task of shopping, preparing, juicing beetroot, and don’t’ forget the cleaning-up. Make your life simpler.Just mix SELFe Beet 12 with, water, drinks or smoothies. Any time. Any Place. And you’re ready to be your amazing Evolved Self. This is what makes these Rewards possible. Beet 12 is filled with: Quality Nutrients like Vitamins B12, B6, Folate, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Antioxidants, and Anti-Inflammatories like Betanin, Isobetanin, and Vulgaxanthin,Inorganic Nitrate which helps to Generate Energy. Change the game. Evolve. Beet 12 is Easy to prepare As a dietary supplement, mix 1 scoop (6g) with 6 to 8 ounces of cold water.Feeling Adventurous? Mix Beet 12 with your favorite juice for a tasty variation. Read more Also Enjoy these Rewards: Read more Features: ORGANIC BEET BOWDER: 5,000mg (5g) of Organic NON-GMO Beet Powder NATURAL DETOX: Beet Powder is rich in antioxidants and other valuable nutrients that will help get rid of unwanted toxins. ALL NATURAL, SMOOTH ENERGY: Boost your energy levels with beets and 2,000mcg of B-12 (methylcobalamin). DELICIOUS TASTE: Natural Black Cherry Flavor made in the USA in a GMP certified facility.

Nutrition Label

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