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MTS Machine Uptake

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What You Need To Know


MTS Nutrition Machine Uptake - Probiotic and Digestive Enzyme SupplemenMACHINE UPTAKE INTRODUCTION

The MOST DELICIOUS and Effective Probiotic and Digestive Enzyme Supplement is HERE!

Machine UPTAKE™ is the ultimate digestive enzyme and probiotic blend. Not only will it help you digest important, muscle-building meals, but it also help to uptake nutrients and delivers all of the other numerous health benefits that probiotics and digestive enzymes contain. Stop drinking thin, watery Whey Isolate shakes and enjoy thick, delicious shakes like Machine Whey. Get your UPTAKE on today!

We add in 20% overage to ensure we meet the CFU amount. We guarantee 1.5 Billion CFU per tablet at the time of manufacture.

Machine UPTAKE contains NO artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners.

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