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Gorilla Mode Base 30srv

Regular price $34.99

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What You Need To Know


Explosive energy that will power you through any workout with no crash... mind-blowing muscle pumps that will have you swelled up like The Hulk on a rampage... intense mental focus for incredible mind-to-muscle connections... boost power output to help you blast out new PRs and conquer each set... a very simple, yet extremely effective formula!

Gorilla Mode Base

Introducing Gorilla Mode Base: the go-to pre-workout for those seeking reliability, potency, and budget-friendliness without compromising on effectiveness. Packed with a concise yet powerful lineup of active ingredients at topped-out dosages, Base is the daily driver you can count on, whether you're a beginner or a seasoned lifter. With a formula that includes key players like L-Citrulline, L-Tyrosine, Betaine Anhydrous, and Alpha-GPC 50%, alongside a solid hit of 400 mg of caffeine for that extra kick, Base delivers a significant boost in energy, focus, pump, strength, and muscular endurance. And here's the kicker – despite being labeled as an "entry-level" pre-workout, Base is stacked with performance-enhancing ingredients, making it a cost-effective option for lifters of all levels!

* Simple yet extremely effective formula

* Mind-blowing muscle pumps

* Powerful energy with no crash

* Supports intense mental focus

* Promotes more power output

Nutrition Label


As a dietary supplement, Mix 1-2 scoops of Gorilla Mode in 12-14 oz of water and consume 30 minutes prior to training. Vary the amount of water to achieve your desired flavor level. First-time users should begin use with 1/2 - 1 scoop or less to evaluate tolerance. DO NOT EXCEED 2 SCOOPS IN ANY 24 HR TIME PERIOD.

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