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A.B.E. - Committed to bringing out the best in every athlete

A.B.E. - Committed to bringing out the best in every athlete

Applied Nutrition is very well-known in the U.K. and is an international giant in the world of sports nutrition and supplementation. In fact, they were the International Brand of the Year last year (2022) and are now setting their sites on the extremely competitive U.S. market. We are incredibly stoked to announce the long-awaited and highly-anticipated launch of their newest line A.B.E. (All Black Everything), led by their robust and comprehensive ABE pre-workout and the ever so delightful (and also very effective) ABE Energy drink that doubles as an actual pre-workout that greatly drives performance.

The new A.B.E pre-workout formula is absolutely STACKED!! Although the original A.B.E. pre-workout formula is pretty solid and gives a great boost in performance and energy with dosages like 4g of citrulline malate, 3.25g of creatine monohydrate, 2g of beta-alanine, and 200mg of caffeine, the new A.B.E formula is much more advanced and is geared towards maximizing performance. Applied keeps one primary goal in mind when it comes to all of their formulas -- to create products for the highest levels of mental & physical performance, and the new A.B.E. pre-workout formula is sure to deliver on both! We're going to dig into the full formula of this pre-workout behemoth in just a moment, so stick around!!

We're also going to fully breakdown the all-new A.B.E. Energy & Performance RTD. If you're a fan of energy drinks as a pre-workout, this is going to be one for you to keep your eye on, and one that is a must try!! Why you may ask... well, this energy drink is anything but a straightforward carbonated energy drink. This new formula is actually extremely similar to the original ABE pre-workout in that it's formulated with ingredients to support clean, sustaining energy, great mental focus, intense muscle pumps, and truly drives performance. 

It's now time to fully breakdown each of these innovative products, so we can see just how each will drive and maximize performance!!

ABE Ultimate Pre-Workout

Pre-workout lovers, prepare yourselves for the pinnacle of pre-workout experiences! ABE (All Black Everything) delivers a powerhouse formula, containing clinical doses of key ingredients that have been heavily researched and scientifically proven to ramp up exercise performance. The masterminds of Applied Nutrition went to great lengths and vigorous product/ingredient testing to ensure ABE delivers a true one-of-a-kind pre-workout experience.

I know you're asking yourself... what's inside this formula that makes it so incredible? Well, without further ado, here's the full breakdown of this pre-workout titan!

Citrulline Malate - 6,000mg

Citrulline is a nonessential amino acid that serves as an endogenous precursor to arginine, thereby greatly enhancing nitric oxide synthesis through what is known as the arginine-nitric oxide pathway. Nitric oxide has various performance-boosting functions in the body including a vasodilatory effect, which will increase blood, oxygen, and nutrient delivery to working muscles. Furthermore, nitric oxide can also reduce the oxygen and energy cost of exercise allowing you to push the working muscles longer and harder.

Malate is an essential intermediate of the Acid (TCA) Cycle, which generates two-thirds of the body’s energy by utilizing fats and carbohydrates consumed through the diet. When you increase malate levels, you increase energy production. Therefore, citrulline malate provides the one-two punch of bringing additional blood (and subsequently, oxygen and nutrients) to exercising muscles, as well as providing increased energy to boost performance levels.

Citrulline Malate Benefits Include:

- Improve blood flow
- Increase nitric oxide production
- Improve oxygen delivery to muscles
- Amplify energy levels
- Increase peak power and training volume
- Enhance recovery
- Increase endurance
- Delay muscle fatigue

Beta-Alanine - 3,000mg

Beta-alanine is one of the most used and professional-commended supplements to athletes and professionals to enhance the capacity to exercise and train, build lean muscle mass, and improve physical function. When beta-alanine is introduced into the body, it combines with histidine to produce carnosine, which helps reduce fatigue. 

3,000mg of beta-alanine a clinical and scientifically substantiated dosage, and will provide substantial benefits in increasing time to muscle exhaustion, increasing muscle endurance, delaying muscle fatigue, and buffering lactic acid so you can push your body longer and harder every workout.

Beta-Alanine Benefits Include:

- Increases time to exhaustion
- Boosts endurance
- Delays muscle fatigue
- Enhances muscle strength
- Helps preserve muscle mass
- Enables greater training volume
- Sharpens mental clarity and focus

- Increases muscle growth

Caffeine Anhydrous - 350mg

Caffeine is without a doubt the most known and utilized stimulant in the world. Caffeine occurs naturally in plants such as coffee beans, tea, and cacao, which is the source of cocoa for chocolate. It's a CNS (Central Nervous System) stimulant that has been shown to reduce feelings of fatigue, increase energy levels, heighten mental alertness, lower perceived exertion, and even lower levels of perceived pain.

Caffeine also improves mental acuity and sharpness, helps maintain laser-like focus, and even improves some technical skills both during and after strenuous activity. And, if that isn't enough, it's also believed to enhance the body's ability to use its own fat as fuel, which can effectively increase the time to exhaustion in endurance events. 

Caffeine Anhydrous Benefits Include:

- Increased mental alertness and energy levels 
- Increased Strength and Power
- Enhanced Muscular Endurance
- Reduced Muscle Soreness
Believe it or not, research shows that caffeine works incredibly well for helping ease muscle soreness by altering your perceived exertion during your workouts. With less muscle soreness, you can go harder, perhaps banging out a few extra reps you probably wouldn't have gotten if that muscle soreness was too much. More reps equals more work done by your muscles, and that equals better results.
Choline Bitartrate (as Vitacholine™) - 250mg

Choline Bitartrate is the combination of Choline with a salt called Tartaric Acid. The Tartaric Acid is combined with the Choline to increase its bioavailability and absorption in the body so you get the peak benefits of each serving of choline. Choline Bitartrate is a chemical compound and very powerful nootropic, which is augments acetylcholine neurotransmission, thus enhancing muscle fiber recruitment. 

A neurotransmitter is a chemical message that is released by nerve cells to communicate signals to other cells in the body such as neurons, gland cells and muscle cells. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that is found in neuromuscular junctions and helps signal muscle contractions, which is the key component to better “mind-muscle connection” when training. It also plays a key role in basically every cognitive function from balance, coordination, memory, mental alertness, to just learning in general.

While many of the positive adaptations you experience from lifting heavy weights or performing explosive movements are due to building muscular strength, your nervous system also plays an important role. Your nervous system adapts, becomes more efficient, and allows your muscles to fire with increased potency. These neurological adaptations require acetylcholine, so increasing your intake of acetylcholine precursors like choline bitartrate will drastically improve your power, performance, motivation, and mental clarity.

Vitacholine™ Benefits include:

- Improve muscle coordination
- Heighten muscle contractions
- Increase mental focus and alertness
- Improve cognition for better learning, memory, balance, etc..
- Heighten mood


L-Tyrosine - 200mg

Over the years, L-Tyrosine has become one of the most widely-used ingredients in pre-workouts, and for very good reason. It plays a significant role in the production of Dopamine (our feel good hormone), Adrenaline and Noradrenaline, Epinephrine and Norepinephrine, and thyroid hormones. Supplementing L-Tyrosine replenishes these important neurotransmitters and dramatically improves mental function (focus, concentration, memory, learning).

200mg is a potent dose of L-Tyrosine and will trigger several of our “feel-good” neurotransmitters, including norepinephrine and dopamine. This will greatly enhance a sense of well being, boost mood, and drastically increase mental alertness and focus.

Benefits of L-Tyrosine include:

- Improve brain function (focus, concentration, memory, learning, alertness)
- Increase energy and muscle endurance
- Improve cognitive flexibility the brain’s capacity to switch between thoughts and tasks with efficiency)
- Increase thermogenesis, lipolysis, and maximizes body composition
- Heighten mind-to-muscle connections

L-Theanine - 200mg
L-Theanine is a compound that occurs naturally in green tea and black tea. It has numerous positive effects on our bodies, including positively affecting serotonin and dopamine which influence mood, sleep, emotion, and cortisol, which helps the body deal with stress. Due to its ability to affect brain function, L-Theanine is actually considered a nootropic amino acid.
Specifically, L-Theanine works to block the binding of L-Glutamic Acid to Glutamate receptors in the brain, which results in the release of specific neurotransmitters that work to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. When used along with caffeine, L-Theanine helps attenuate some of the stimulating effects of caffeine. The result is an increase in energy and tremendous focus without the jittery side effects and crash associated with high levels of caffeine.
When used before exercise, L-Theanine has been clinically proven to improve reaction times and reduce feelings of tiredness and mental fatigue. These effects are of course highly desirable for athletes competing in high stress, performance based sports, hence L-Theanine has become extremely popular with not only elite professional athletes, but with many everyday gym goers as well.

L-Theanine Benefits Include: 

- Increase focus and attention
- Reduce stress and anxiety
- Enhance sleep quality
- Improve mood and boost motivation
- Enhance mind-to-muscle connections
- Improve reaction time
- Reduce fatigue
- Increase energy without jitters or crashing
L-Taurine - 200mg
L-Taurine is a powerful and very abundant amino acid. In fact, it is the second most abundant amino acid in the body's muscle behind glutamine. It is highly present in the brain and spinal cord, leukocytes, heart and muscle cells, the retina, and indeed almost every tissue throughout the body. L-Taurine exists in very high concentration in the brain and plays a neuromodulatory role in this area.
The body makes L-Taurine by breaking down the amino acid cysteine. It is shown to enhance muscle contraction to boost power and rid the muscle of lactic acid, improving recovery. Much like Betaine Anhydrous, it's also an osmolyte that will increase cell volumization and muscle cell uptake, and boost cellular hydration.
200 mg of L-Taurine is a vigorous dose that will provide some monstrous benefits such as increased power/force output, enhanced muscle contractions, improvements in stamina and endurance, increased cellular hydration, accelerated recovery, increased cognitive function (focus, concentration, memory, learning), and supports central nervous system function.

Benefits of L-Taurine:

- Increase brain performance, mental focus, and time on tasks
- Increase strength and muscle force production
- Decrease fatigue and increase muscle function in recovery
- Optimize cellular hydration and maximizes muscle function
- Reduce muscle breakdown by decreasing catabolic 3-methylhistidine
- Increase muscle endurance and time to exhaustion


Zynamite® - 140mg

Zynamite® is a patent-pending proprietary extract of Mangifera indica (mango) standardized to 60% mangiferin. This ingredient has been under close study as of late and has undergone several scientific studies for it's incredible benefits as a nootropic and it's ability to enhance sports performance.

Mangifera indica has long been used in ayurvedic medicine for a wide variety of ailments due to its antiseptic, astringent, diaphoretic (inducing perspiration -- “sweat”), stomachic (improves appetite or digestion), vermifuge (anti-parasitic), tonic, diuretic, and laxative properties. As a result, various parts of the plant have been used as a remedy for anaemia, asthma, bronchitis, cough, dysentery, hypertension, insomnia, rheumatism, and toothache.

Zynamite® is a catechol-o-methyltransferase (COMT) inhibitor that activates brain waves and increases Long-Term Potentiation (LTP) in a manner similar to caffeine. COMT is the enzyme that metabolizes neurotransmitters and catecholamines, including dopamine, norepinephrine (noradrenaline), and epinephrine (adrenaline). It also metabolizes levodopa (L-Dopa), the direct precursor to dopamine. By inhibiting COMT, the bioavailability of L-Dopa is significantly increased, promoting stronger, longer-lasting dopamine and norepinephrine levels in the central nervous system. 

While caffeine boosts feelings of energy, mood, and alertness via antagonism of adenosine receptors, Zynamite® acts non-selectively to modulate various CNS targets and stimulate brain activity. Based on the data, researchers suggest that at least part of Zynamite’s stimulating properties are due to activation of dopamine, since alpha2 waves are under the control of dopamine. 

The primary reason people use caffeine is to increase their wakefulness, alertness, and/or feelings of mental energy. These wakefulness promoting properties of caffeine come as a result of adenosine antagonism. Zynamite enhances mental energy is a “caffeine-like” manner, in that it yields similar effects on brain wave activity, but the manner in which it does this isn’t the same as caffeine, meaning it doesn’t antagonize adenosine.

The benefits of Zynamite® go far beyond increasing mental focus and energy. It also has a great impact on reaction time and athletic performance. Excessive production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) during exercise can damage cellular structures, leading to inflammation, fatigue, and impairment of executive and cognitive functions. It can also hinder adaptations to exercise (effectively undercutting your efforts in the gym to get better). These reactive oxygen and nitrogen species are generated constantly during exercise by mitochondrial respiration. 

However, two other enzymes, xanthine oxidase (or xanthine oxidoreductase; XO) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-oxidase (NADPH oxidase, also called NOX) are also contribute to the formation of RONS during exercise. As a result, a number of antioxidants have been studied to limit the formation of RONS and improve athletic performance. However, some of these antioxidants offer a double-edged sword in that they might combat RONS and lower inflammation, but simultaneously blunt desired training adaptations.

Benefits of Zynamite®:

- Heighten reaction times
- Improve athletic performance
- Improve sprint performance and recovery
- Increase mental energy and alertness
- Boost mental focus and concentration
- Very synergistic with caffeine

Dynamine - 100mg

Dynamine is a trademarked purine alkaloid found in the kucha tea leaf. It's a derivative of caffeine and its molecular structure is similar to theacrine. Like theacrine, methylliberine amplifies feelings of energy, mood and focus by activating dopamine receptors and other key neurotransmitters, inhibiting adenosine receptors, all without elevating heart rate or blood pressure.

Dynamine is amongst an extremely rare class of bioactive ingredients that are strictly neuro-activating and do not have an effect on heart rate, blood pressure, or vasoconstriction. Dynamine stimulates the central nervous system (CNS), while not affecting the cardiovascular system. Because of this, these compounds have less of an impact on your adrenals than caffeine and other stimulants. Along with the reduced load on the adrenals, you'll also experience a smaller increase in cortisol with Dynamine.

Dynamine stimulates the release of the two neuro-transmitters, epinephrine (aka. adrenaline) and nor-epinephrine (aka. nor-adrenaline), which are responsible for increasing focus, mental alertness, energy and also utilising body fat for energy. Dynamine also activates our dopamine receptors (both D1 & D2) to increase the amount of dopamine being released. Dopamine is known as the feel-good hormone in the body and is responsible for motivation, satisfaction, drive and number of other sensations. These effects are what gives Dynamine its very unique properties as an ingredient.

Benefits of Dynamine include: 

- Improved athletic performance
- Increased energy levels
- Improved cognition
- Elevated mood
- No mid or post-workout crash or jitters

Senactiv® - 50mg

Senactiv® is a 100% all natural plant-based compound that is a blend of Panax notoginseng and Rosa roxburghii, when combined they work synergistically to increase time to exhaustion in high intensity interval training, increase ATP production, speed up recovery by reducing inflammation in the muscle and increasing muscle glycogen levels and eliminate deteriorating muscle cells.

 Senactiv® has proven in numerous clinical trials to increase energy production by producing 47% more citrate synthase in the muscle cells. What’s more, this significant increase in citrate synthase was demonstrated during a vigorous 60-minute cycling session where participants were working hard at 70% VO2 max.

Citrate synthase is the pace making enzyme that helps to trigger the first step of the Krebs cycle (the sequence of reactions by which most living cells generate energy during the process of aerobic respiration. It takes place in the mitochondria, consuming oxygen, producing carbon dioxide and water as waste products, and converting ADP to energy-rich ATP) that ultimately goes on to create ATP, the energy provider of our muscle cells.

Adding Senactiv® equals a higher level of citrate synthase, which can trigger more Krebs cycles, which can create more ATP, which provides more energy to the muscles that can then perform harder, for longer.

Not only does Senactiv® help to reenergize the cells by boosting energy production, but it also helps with muscle recovery. It does this by reducing the inflammation that builds up during intense exercise and increasing muscle glycogen synthesis (the main fuel for the muscles during intense exercise).

Furthermore, Senactiv® increases endurance by improving the 80% VO2 max time to exhaustion by 20%. It also helps to improve cellular renewal and regeneration. It does this by speeding up the time it takes for the body to eliminate old, senescent cells so that they can be replaced by new, healthy cells. Benefiting the performance of the muscle cells.

And this is just the forefront of this colossal pre-workout. Want the full experience?? Try it for yourself and unleash your body's full potential!


Huperzine A - 90 mcg

Huperzine A  is an acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitor, meaning it stops a specific enzyme, cholinesterase, from breaking down acetylcholine in the body. This results in increased levels of Acetylcholine in the body and thus improved neurotransmission and both cognitive and muscular performance. Huperzine-A also has the ability to quickly and effectively cross the blood-brain barrier preventing acetylcholinesterase (AChE) from decreasing acetylcholine levels. Specifically, Huperzine-A not only stops the breakdown of Acetylcholine but also allows for a surplus of Acetylcholine above base levels which works to improves nerve and brain function and the direct signaling of muscular contractions.

Benefits of Huperzine A:

- Improve mental and muscular performance
- Optimize muscle contractions
- Stimulate the brain and provide psychic energy
- Heighten concentration and learning abilities
- Maintain a stable and good mood



ABE Ultimate Pre-Workout 30srv


              A.B.E. Energy + Performance RTD

Just imagine you take the energy and focus provided in an amazing tasting energy drink, and add in more clinically studied ingredients that have been proven to boost athletic and exercise performance. You would have a performance bomb ready to go no matter where you are. Well.. that's exactly what the masterminds of ABEnation have achieved. Introducing ABE Energy + Performance RTD, their newest ultimate Energy & Performance drink that will take you to the next level in whatever you're doing. 

This advanced RTD formula is the perfect combination of energy and performance boosting ingredients, like B-vitamins, caffeine, and betaine anhydrous. Whether you're an athlete or just looking for an energy boost, the 12-pack canister is convenient for refueling on-the-go. With its scientifically formulated blend, ABE Energy + Performance RTD 12pk is designed to help you optimize your physical and mental performance.

No more fading halfway through - just one canister of ABE gives you incredible, sustained energy and that boost in performance so you can stay at the top of your game and conquer every workout!

Now for the full breakdown of this delightful tasting, performance boosting energy and performance drink.

Citrulline Malate - 2,000mg

- Improve blood flow
- Increase nitric oxide production
- Improve oxygen delivery to muscles
- Amplify energy levels
- Increase peak power and training volume
- Enhance recovery
- Increase endurance
- Delay muscle fatigue


Betaine Anhydrous - 1,000 mg

Betaine Anhydrous is an osmolyte, meaning it increases cellular water retention through osmosis. This gives Betaine Anhydrous the distinct ability to cause muscle fibers to swell, which will also stimulate muscle protein synthesis, promoting muscle growth. These increases in cell volumization and muscle cell uptake can significantly increase anaerobic power aka strength gains, as well as improve both endurance and power/force output. Simply put, Betaine Anhydrous pulls water into the muscle cells. This increases muscle fullness or volume. This process is also called water-based pumps.

2,500mg is a clinical dose of Betaine Anhydrous that will help increase power/force output, increase capacity to perform anaerobic work, increase natural energy levels, promote cellular hydration and boost ATP (the source of energy that is used to power the movement of contraction in working muscles) much like creatine does, and can help to take your strength gains and lean mass gains to new levels.

Benefits of Betaine Anhydrous:

- Enhance strength levels
- Boost power/force output
- Increase cellular hydration
- Boost muscle endurance
- Promotes faster muscle growth
- Increase capacity to perform anaerobic work


Caffeine Anhydrous - 200mg

- Increased mental alertness and energy levels 
- Increased Strength and Power
- Enhanced Muscular Endurance
- Reduced Muscle Soreness


Choline Bitartrate (as Vitacholine™) - 200mg

 - Improve muscle coordination
- Heighten muscle contractions
- Increase mental focus and alertness
- Improve cognition for better learning, memory, balance, etc..
- Heighten mood


L-Theanine - 200 mg

- Increase focus and attention
- Reduce stress and anxiety
- Enhance sleep quality
- Improve mood and boost motivation
- Enhance mind-to-muscle connections
- Improve reaction time
- Reduce fatigue
- Increase energy without jitters or crashing


L-Tyrosine - 200mg

- Improve brain function (focus, concentration, memory, learning, alertness)
- Increase energy and muscle endurance
- Improve cognitive flexibility the brain’s capacity to switch between thoughts and tasks with efficiency)
- Increase thermogenesis, lipolysis, and maximizes body composition
- Heighten mind-to-muscle connections


L-Taurine - 200mg

- Increase brain performance, mental focus, and time on tasks
- Increase strength and muscle force production
- Decrease fatigue and increase muscle function in recovery
- Optimize cellular hydration and maximizes muscle function
- Reduce muscle breakdown by decreasing catabolic 3-methylhistidine
- Increase muscle endurance and time to exhaustion


 Dynamine - 100mg

- Improved athletic performance
- Increased energy levels
- Improved cognition
- Elevated mood
- No mid or post-workout crash or jitters

ABE Energy + Performance RTD 12pk



A.B.E. is definitely here and will be a force to be reckoned with! These 2 highly-anticipated products are just the start of more astounding formulas to come! A.B.E. Ultimate pre-workout is here to provide everything you could possibly ask for in a performance boosting formula:

Optimize physical performance so you get the most out of every workout... reduce tiredness and fatigue so you can push your body at maximum intensity... continual tunnel vision focus so you can hit every set and rep with peak concentration... monumental muscle pumps so you can not only feel like a d*** juggernaut but look like one as well... enhance and uplift mood to boost motivation so you can decimate every workout and feel great while doing so... increase time to muscle failure so you can go all out on every exercise...

A.B.E Energy + Performance serves as a double whammy! Take it as a mega delicious energy drink that will power you through your work day, or if you enjoy energy drinks for a pre-workout, throw one back about 15 minutes prior to the gym and prepare to dominate!!

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