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Motiv8 Magic Sticks Variety Box 20 Sticks

Regular price $49.99 Sale price $79.98

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What You Need To Know


All the great benefits of Motiv8 Burn, now avavilable in a flavor variety pack so you can enjoy all the delicious flavors Motiv8 has to offer! Have you hit a plateau in your weight loss journey? Are you struggling with daily energy? Cravings or constant snacking getting in the way of all the hard work you're putting in to lose weight? Let's face it, dieting and keeping the weight is hard! Motiv8 Burn is a revolutionary new fat burning supplement that has a comprehensive fat burning matrix, designed to aid you in every facet of your weight loss journey. Burn not only contains ingredients like Synephrine, Yohimbine, TeaCrine, Green Tea Extract, and Yerba Mate to help boost your metabolism and ramp up fat burning, but also has ingredients that curves your appetite to help cut out those pesky cravings, lower cortisol levels (our stress hormone) to heighten your mood, and supplies your with all-day, feel good, sustaining energy to power you through your day. Burn Powder also offers the convenience of customization, meaning you control how fast the product goes into your system and how much. If you need just a little pick-me-up a half scoop may suffice, or if you're dragging that day, you can throw in a scoop and a half. No matter what difficulties you may face on your weight loss journey, Motiv8 Burn is here to keep you on track and take your results to the next level.

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